The NLP Student's Blog

Join me in a journey towards mastery!

Hi I'm Chirath Nissanka aka the NLP Student!

Here's where I post articles on Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning and various other topics related to Machine Learning. 

Let's learn and grow together! 

Follow me on Twitter: @studentnlp and subscribe to my Youtube Channel : NLP Student!

The NLP Student

Basics of Reinforcement Learning: Part I

Welcome! In this article, we will be going over the fundamentals of reinforcement learning. We will discuss what reinforcement learning is, how agents learn from rewards and experiences, what policies and value functions are, and how to model environments in a Markov decision process step-by-step.

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The NLP Student

The Transformer Explained

Welcome! In this article, we will be going over what a Transformer is, the intuition and the inner workings behind the attention mechanism it employs to process sequential data, and how the Multi-Head Attention mechanism works as implemented by the paper 'Attention is all you…

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